Code of Ethics

The IICRC Certified Firm agrees to:

1.    Present a professional image, including but not limited to, appearance, grooming, equipment, attire, and attitude.
2.    Maintain an awareness of and knowledge about all IICRC-approved and published industry standards.
3.    Seek and promote education and training in the company to enhance proficiency.
4.    Have a IICRC accredited technician present on all job sites. The assigned technician[s) must be certified in all categories of services being performed on the job site for which the IICRC offers certification, and must perform or supervise the job site work. A good faith exception to this requirement will apply for new certified companies for a period of one year from obtaining Certified Firm status, provided that a documented continuing education program is actively pursued.
5.    Not market services as an IICRC Certified Firm in categories for which the company does not have IICRC accredited technicians currently on staff. If the company loses a technician from their staff who is the only IICRC accredited technician in the company in a category that the Certified Firm is advertising or providing services, the company agrees to replace the IICRC accredited technician in that category as soon as possible, within no later than 12 months, or stop advertising certified status in that category.
6.    Notify consumers if a technician certified in the category of work to be performed is not present on the job site performing or supervising the job site work.
7.    Present accurate information to the public and consumers.
8.    Be truthful; provide service that results in high levels of customer satisfaction; be prompt; conduct business with honesty, integrity, and fairness; build consumer confidence in the industry; and promote good relations with affiliated industries.
9.    Do not engage in false or deceptive marketing practices including use of misleading price information commonly referred to as “bait-and-switch” tactics. This includes a) not offering one price in an advertisement and then increasing the price for the advertised service once the technician gets to the job; and b) advertising a low-priced service to lure or “bait” consumers, then inducing them to buy or “switch” to a higher-priced service by disparaging or refusing to provide the less-expensive advertised service.
10.    Avoid confusing or misleading consumers by providing accurate information to them about prices, services and products.
11.    Comply with governmental rules and regulations.
12.    Avoid conflicts of interest and the appearance of conflicts of interest.
13.    Agree to arbitration to resolve disputes, and accept the conclusion and recommendations of the arbitration.
14.    Use the IICRC, logo, certification marks, and trademarks only in the manner authorised and approved by the IICRC.
15.    Respond to consumer complaints in a timely fashion and comply with the rules, policies, and procedures of the IICRC.